The Adel police department provides 24-hour a day service and protection to the citizens of this great city. Within its ranks are a mix of seasoned law enforcement veterans and enthusiastic young officers all willing and ready to take on all they may encounter during their shift.
In 2022, Adel police officers responded to 7,512 calls for service. It’s at many of these incidents that our officers have contact with people who are in need. That level of need can range from administering first aid after an accident, protection from an attacker, or simply assisting someone who has locked their keys in their car. In a lot of cases the need is very apparent. Sometimes it shows up when you least expect it. And sometimes the need is beyond what our officers can do.
We can recommend a roofer to someone that has a hole in their roof. But we can’t fix that roof. We can’t repair a damaged transmission in the only vehicle that a family must rely on. These are only a couple examples of the need our officers come across far too often with nothing more to offer than friendly advice.
Blue Kindness will be a powerful resource that will combine the Adel police department and the board members of Blue Kindness to potentially provide life-changing assistance to members of our community who are in great need. Our officers find the true need in our community and then provide that information to the board members for consideration.
Every officer in this department is proud to do the job. And very thankful for the opportunity to do it right here in Adel. We are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to serve our public.
Blue Kindness will be just one more way that our officers can pay it forward to this great community.
Your tax-deductible donation will help Adel police officers conduct acts of kindness throughout the community. Donate online today or learn more about our donation opportunities.